9 Best Driving and Traveling Smartphone Apps

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Most of us wouldn’t travel without our GPS on our RV’s dash. It’s also common to use our smartphone as another major tool for navigation and traveling. We’ve saved our favorite apps for travel on our smartphone which include the well known Google Maps, Roadtrippers and Gas Buddy. Here’s a list of some other popular driving and travel apps rated as the 9 Best from Car and Driver, 2015. Some are new to us, check them out and see what you think.

Google Maps

Google Maps

Google Maps

Awesome! We really like this app because Google Maps allows you to save your favorite places and/or searches. Google Maps is our “go to” app for sure. This makes traveling super easy, especially when you want to find your way to grocery stores,  shopping centers and post offices when you’re in a new area. Your saved searches also sync to your other devices. Google Maps has many helpful features such as printing maps and directions, determining distances between point A and B via car, public transit, biking and walking, and using searches for different category destinations (restaurants, shops, etc.). The icon selections are easily visible and user friendly. Scrolling throughout the maps is also easy and a quick way to find your way.


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