Travel Without an Overflow of Souvenirs…Ask Yourself These 5 Q’s

Tips & Info

Q 1) Why do you like it?

Take a moment to consider why you like a particular item. Is it because you gravitate towards that same style every time? Or is it because it is trendy? Try to make that distinction between your personal taste and what is trending at the moment because the trends will pass.

Q 2) Will it work with what you already have?

The fact of the matter is even if you love a particular accessory, if you bring it home and it doesn’t work with the things you already have in your home, you may not love it as much and end up not using it. On the other hand, if you know what you love and are confident in your taste, you can’t go wrong as long as you stay true to these instincts.

Q 3) Will it work in several rooms of the house?

 …consider whether you would also be able to use it for the den or your bedroom if you decide to move things around. This evaluation will coincide with whether the item fits into your taste and the overall aesthetics of your home.

Q 4) Is it of good quality?

Buying things because they look nice might work for the short term, but if it doesn’t last, it’s ultimately not worth it. Also, investing in something that you know is well-made and will last a long time will make you take to it in a way you wouldn’t otherwise.

Q 5) Does it have a story?

I’ve found that I appreciate and value an item so much more if I know the intentions and origins of how it was made. Having items like these that were made with care will also make me feel like the space that I am creating has a more personal touch.

We, at RV Beagle, have found that the experiences of RVing are definitely priceless and as such we “don’t need a lot of stuff”… but we do love to find and buy some meaningful things that have a story for us. We know what we like and we try to keep a good balance between our fun spending and needed spending. We’ll keep these questions in mind, to help keep the buying in check, and hopefully save the spending dough for those “keeper” travel souvenirs!

See entire Apartment Therapy article at:

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